10,000 Butterflies
Community Building
When people feel disconnected from their communities, individual well-being and the well-being of the entire region suffers. Loss of community can result in more crime, isolation, social problems, and a host of other harmful consequences. Community building is a way to increase positive connections and cooperation between people, build stronger, happier neighborhoods, decrease crime, and increase the livability of urban areas. On this page you’ll find hundreds of ideas, resources, and links to help you enhance your own neighborhood in a way that’s fun and makes a difference for everyone in the community.
Latest Posts & News
Share the Harvest
If you’re putting in a vegetable garden, just plant a few extra rows of beans or corn or tomatoes or carrots or zucchini. Just plant a little extra, that’s all. And when the veggies are ready to pick, deliver the surplus to your local food bank. It’s that easy to be part of Share the Harvest.
The Drawdown EcoChallenge
Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere for the last few years, you understand that Earth’s climate is changing — and not for the better. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and do what we can to make things a little better. And that’s where The Drawdown EcoChallenge comes in.
Pick a Lane
If you believe in democracy, it’s time to speak up and speak out against our country’s slide into authoritarianism. Against racism. And xenophobia. Speak up for truth and fairness. For decency. Civility. Respect for each other. It’s time to pick a lane.
Life Lessons About Letting Go
You can’t control the future or bring back the past by clinging tightly to the things you own.Clinging too long to our past tethers us to a life that no longer exists. Learning to let go of what we no longer need is like hitting “refresh.” Life should be about a whole lot more than things.
Getting Past the Mudslinging
No matter how elated or disappointed you are about the outcome of this last election, what’s in the rear view mirror can’t be changed. We live in the present, not the past. It’s time to do what we can to make the present better.