10,000 Butterflies
Community Building
When people feel disconnected from their communities, individual well-being and the well-being of the entire region suffers. Loss of community can result in more crime, isolation, social problems, and a host of other harmful consequences. Community building is a way to increase positive connections and cooperation between people, build stronger, happier neighborhoods, decrease crime, and increase the livability of urban areas. On this page you’ll find hundreds of ideas, resources, and links to help you enhance your own neighborhood in a way that’s fun and makes a difference for everyone in the community.
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Hope Quotes to Inspire You
For so many of us, it feels like we’re losing ground instead of making progress. In these troubling times, it’s hard to stay upbeat, hard believe that a better America is ahead. But we all need something to inspire us to keep moving forward. Words that inspire us to believe that the future will be brighter.
Where Hope Lives
Where hope lives is in each one of us. Every time we show respect instead of throwing insults around. Hope lives when we work together to make our communities better. When we go out of our way to be kinder, more compassionate. Politicians show us how NOT to behave. As Americans we can do better.
Signs of Hope
We are badly in need of some signs of hope in America. We need signs of hope that we can do better as individuals.
Signs of hope that we can do better as a country. We need stories about regular people who are changing their communities for the better. We need to know about folks who may not agree on everything but are working together, proving that when we find common ground we can solve problems.
A New Vision of America
It’s time for a new vision of America — a vision of what could be. We desperately need a new vision based on hope instead of fear, anger, and despair. Hope and positive actions have the power to transform lives. They can transform communities. And eventually even entire nations.
15 Important Things Money Can’t Buy
The important things that money can’t buy are available to all of us but they take work to acquire. Because in the end, this journey called life is about a whole lot more than just dollars and cents. What’s really important is how we treat each other. What we can contribute instead of what we can get. How we decide to show up every day.