Good people doing good things . . . where are they?
Every time I turn on the news, there’s a deluge of more tragedy. More ugliness. More stories of hatred, discrimination, and gloom. It’s enough to be downright depressing! As an antidote to all that darkness, I need stories of good people doing good things. To remind myself that the world is actually a pretty great place to live. That there are more folks trying to make a positive difference than there are those with evil intentions bent on destruction. That even though things often look bleak, it’s still going to be all right.
So, where are these good people doing good things?
They’re living in communities large and small, doing their bit to make a difference.
Reaching out to those in need.
Inspiring others with their simple acts of compassion.
Caring enough to change what needs changing instead of waiting for someone else to do it.
Where are these good people doing good things? If you look closely, I’m pretty sure you’ll find them in your town, maybe even in the house right next door to yours.
Meet Wang Li Er, an elderly street vendor living in one of the most expensive cities in the world — Singapore. For many, especially the elderly population, just getting by is a daily struggle. Er doesn’t have a lot of money herself. And she’s not well-educated but after five decades as a street vendor, she knows a lot about preparing food. Although Er doesn’t have much herself, she helps her neighbors who don’t have enough to eat. How? By giving out coupons to hungry older people in her neighborhood, coupons that can be redeemed for a meal.
One of the good people doing good things.
Can you imagine an entire city having its streetlights repossessed for an unpaid power bill? It sounds unbelievable but that really happened to Highland Park, Michigan a few years ago.
Imagine . . . the only lights at night shining from houses.
Whole neighborhoods without the glow of streetlights.
People afraid to venture outside after dark.
Would you feel safe walking around at night? Would you want your kids outdoors?
No, I didn’t think so.
Neither did Ali Dirul so he started a low-profit project management company (RCI) to install solar-powered streetlights in his hometown. Cheap, renewable energy to light up Highland Park once again. And RCI formed a partnership with a non-profit called Soulardarity to help neighbors get better deals on those renewable energy products.That way people could pool their resources for inexpensive streetlights, saving money and making their city safer at the same time.
Good people doing good things.
Too many people see a need and decide that somebody else should do something about it. Fortunately, there are good people willing to roll up their sleeves and find solutions instead of looking away.
Denver’s Elyria-Swansea neighborhood used to be considered a “food desert.” That’s an urban area where it’s hard for people to buy good quality, affordable food. The people at The GrowHaus believe that healthy food is a right, not a privilege so the staff and volunteers set about building a neighborhood-based food system where residents can buy nourishing food at a reasonable price. But The GrowHaus does so much more.
They offer free gardening workshops. Micro farmer training. A daily food market. There’s a no-cost food pantry and cooking classes. A summer leadership program designed for teens to learn about nutrition, growing food, and entrepreneurship. And over the years The GrowHaus has worked out partnerships with other community organizations to help residents with food security and financial security.
Good people doing good things.
These are just a few stories of people who choose to focus on hope and positivity.
Getting off their bahoodas and taking action.
Transforming lives.
Building caring communities.
Connecting with compassion.
Just knowing about them makes the daily deluge of bad news a little less awful. As long as there are good people doing good things, we can all feel a bit better about the future.
Do you know of anyone inspiring hope and changing their little corner of the world in a positive way? We all need to hear their stories. Please share!
Together we can spread hope and beauty and transform our world.
10,000 Butterflies is dedicated to planting hope and growing change. Every one of us has the power to create positive change — in our own lives and in the lives of others. Together we can solve problems and build stronger communities. 10,000 Butterflies is a place to connect with others making good things happen, to find resources, to be inspired and to celebrate what connects us instead of what divides us.
Please join us.
Bonnie Pond is the founder of the 10,000 Butterflies Project and author of The Power of Three: How to be Happy and Get What You Want in Life (Without Doing Anything Illegal, Immoral, or Unethical) and Unlock Your Creativity: 30 Days to a More Creative YOU!