10,000 Butterflies Blog
Pick a Lane
If you believe in democracy, it’s time to speak up and speak out against our country’s slide into authoritarianism. Against racism. And xenophobia. Speak up for truth and fairness. For decency. Civility. Respect for each other. It’s time to pick a lane.
Life Lessons About Letting Go
You can’t control the future or bring back the past by clinging tightly to the things you own.Clinging too long to our past tethers us to a life that no longer exists. Learning to let go of what we no longer need is like hitting “refresh.” Life should be about a whole lot more than things.
Getting Past the Mudslinging
No matter how elated or disappointed you are about the outcome of this last election, what’s in the rear view mirror can’t be changed. We live in the present, not the past. It’s time to do what we can to make the present better.
Hope Quotes to Inspire You
For so many of us, it feels like we’re losing ground instead of making progress. In these troubling times, it’s hard to stay upbeat, hard believe that a better America is ahead. But we all need something to inspire us to keep moving forward. Words that inspire us to believe that the future will be brighter.
Where Hope Lives
Where hope lives is in each one of us. Every time we show respect instead of throwing insults around. Hope lives when we work together to make our communities better. When we go out of our way to be kinder, more compassionate. Politicians show us how NOT to behave. As Americans we can do better.