10,000 Butterflies
Recycling & Upcycling

Most cities have some kind of recycling program for cans, bottles, and newspapers but the resources you’ll find here go well beyond that. Meet original thinkers finding ingenious ways to upcycle “garbage,” clean up their communities, and turn trash into income. The articles, links, and resources on this page focus on fresh ideas, unique initiatives, and visionary plans to transform problems into solutions. Check out the suggestions here. Join the conversation. Share your ideas. Every one of us has the power to make small changes that improve our world.
Latest Posts & News
More Painless Recycling
Recycling is a lot more painless than it was just a few years ago. So, if you’re not already there it’s time to jump on the recycling bandwagon.
Painless Recycling
Poor Mother Earth. She’s suffocating under the millions of tons of plastics, paper, and all the other garbage we toss out every day. The latest statistics say we’re producing more than 3.5 million tons of trash daily in the US. Yes, you read that right. Every....
The Drawdown EcoChallenge
Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere for the last few years, you understand that Earth’s climate is changing — and not for the better. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and do what we can to make things a little better. And that’s where The Drawdown EcoChallenge comes in.
Turning Trash Into Hope
What most people see as garbage, creative people see as raw materials that can be turned into useful products and income.
Recycling Resource Links
The following resource links offer valuable information about the topic of recycling and upcycling:
- Green City Force-connecting sustainable cities with combating youth unemployment
- Food Waste into Treasure
- 3 Incredible Inventions Cleaning the Oceans
- 5 Companies that Have Upcycling Ideas that Work
- Man bringing cheap renewal energy to his hometown