More Painless Recycling

If you’re not at least a little concerned about the environmental crisis facing all of us here on good ol’ planet Earth, I have a small request. START PAYING ATTENTION!! Things are getting pretty ugly. And scary. But the good news is that every one of us...

Painless Recycling

Poor Mother Earth.  She’s suffocating under the millions of tons of plastics, paper, and all the other garbage we toss out every day. The latest statistics say we’re producing more than 3.5 million tons of trash daily in the US. Yes, you read that right. Every....

The 10,000 Butterflies Project

Butterflies represent transformation, beauty, and hope . . .  and that’s what The 10,000  Butterflies Project is all about. We are living in extraordinarily challenging times. People seem to be more and more divided, digging in to their beliefs and closing themselves...

Can Carbon Farming Save the Planet?

  Poor Mother Earth . . . Things haven’t been going so well for her lately. The planet is getting hotter. The ice caps are melting. In the last few months we’ve had several enormously destructive hurricanes.   And drought. Huge wildfires. Donald...

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